I’m back. No more stories. Just recipes. Other than one. Looks like for now, my husband did indeed miss a bullet. Now Covid-19. I left my job of 11 1/2 years and accepted a position 10 minutes from my house that also allows me to work from home. Now, I have time to cook more, yay! But still, despite NO MORE COMMUTE, time is precious. So no more long ‘stories’ about the recipes I post. Maybe a sentence or two only. And then, just the simplest, most delicious recipes I happen to find from throughout this beautiful world of ours. We are all in this together. Stay safe everyone! ——-

Had this dessert at a restaurant we used to frequent that is sadly, now closed due to the pandemic. Two ingredients. Espresso and Vanilla Ice Cream. Bam! But it even has an Italian name. Affogato.That’s it. Enjoy!