When “C” does not stand for what to “Cook”?

This is one of my go-to healthy appetizer recipes that can be made quickly or made ahead. Like all of the recipes I post here, you can change it up easily adjusting the measurements or using different spices and seasonings and it will still be easy and delicious. While an eggplant tapanade is usually considered Italian, it is also something commonly seen throughout the Middle East. The spices I use were inspired by an eggplant dish at a Moroccan restaurant we used to go to for special occasions. The vinegar and honey add a great “sweet and sour” element to the recipe.
The only problem with frying eggplant in oil is that it absorbs so much of the oil that it becomes heavy and caloric. I start with a little bit of oil for flavor and add water instead. It
works great and the eggplant stays moist.
(*Instead of tomato paste and honey, you can use ketchup.)
Slice the eggplant into rounds and then into cubes.
Tear the red pepper open and remove the step and seeds with your hands.
Chop the onion.
Heat the oil in the pan and add the vegetables. Stir.
Add a little water (1/3 of a cup or so) and continue to cook on a low flame. Stir.
Add more water as needed to keep the pan moist, not dry.
When eggplant is soft, add the rest of the ingredients and stir. Cool and serve with crusty bread, crackers or endive leaves if you eat gluten free.
This really does not constitute a recipe. But I like to share ideas for entertaining as I find or think of them. With the holidays coming, what are several things to keep on hand at all
times in case company shows up unexpectedly?
Just place the drained beans in a bowl and drizzle with Olive Oil, and freshly ground pepper and salt.
Put the drained Olives and Cornichons in little bowls.
Put the cream cheese on a plate and smother it with the Fig Jam or Pepper Jelly. This combination also works well on endive leaves.
Surround the beans and cream or goat cheese with little crackers.
Put the fruit out.
Open the bubbly and enjoy!
I love making Pommes Anna mainly for the pretty factor. That and of course the ease of making the recipe that you just throw in the oven after preparing. Your kids will also enjoy helping you layer the potatoes.
Use a Pastry Brush to cover an Iron Pan with melted butter
Layer slices of potatoes.
Brush with butter. Sprinkle salt on top of layer. Continue to layer, butter and salt.
Drizzle the remaining butter over the potatoes.
Bake in a 350 degree Fahrenheit oven for 35-45 minutes or until the top is golden brown and the potatoes are cooked through.
Slice like a pie and top with sour cream. A great gluten free side for any dinner.